One of my stories from the early days of combining audio with images. I still remember chasing after cows with my microphone to get the sounds of them mooing – and failing miserably. 

But I loved the time I was able to spend with Ben, his parents and Burt. 

4 thoughts on “Ben, Burt and 2200 Cows

  1. Hi Will,
    I was hoping to show my digital photo II class your multimedia pieces Hoops and Ben, Burt & 2,200 Cows, as inspiration for their multimedia storytelling assignment. But, I can’t seem to find a way to play them. When I click the link, it takes me here to the comments window. Any help you could offer would be much appreciated.

    I hope this message finds you and your family well. Bruce and I think of you often. With a smile – Deb

    1. Hi, sorry, just saw this. I’m hoping to update some of my older work so it will play without the Flash plug in. Right now this story doesn’t exist as a video file, but maybe by the en of the summer 🙂

  2. Under the heading better late than never, I’ve gone back to my old files and converted this story, one of my favorites, to a movie file.
    My older work, done while I was at the Democrat and Chronicle in Rochester, was built in Flash, a now obsolete piece of software. I spent a long time learning just enough about Flash to do the things I wanted to do. It was the early days for newspapers on the web, and a fun time to explore.

    Ben, his parents and Burt were wonderful subjects for a story. And the last line of this piece remains one of my favorite bits of audio, ever.

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