Assignment – AR II

100 points

Assigned: Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Wednesday, November 14 by 11:59 pm

Creating an Augmented Reality Experience

Using HP Reveal, each of you will develop an AR experience for iPhone.

The goal is to create an experience for the user, so as they point their phone at an element in the real world, up pops augmented content – a video, image, etc.

One use in journalism for AR would be explanatory. Give us additional content about a space or person or event that we could discover while visiting the space.

As journalist and journalism professor Koci Hernandez says, “[news organizations] would have to find a way to make the AR experience ridiculously useful, just like the newspaper was actually ridiculously useful before the Internet. It was the only place to get movies times, get your coupons, to read news and other kinds of things. There was a utility to [newspapers].”

  1. Pick a building or space on campus (stay within a 10-15 walk from Willard) – the HUB, Carnegie, the library, the Lion Shrine, Old Main, etc.
    1. First come first serve, only one person to a space.
  2. Create at least 4 augmented experiences that would help us understand that space
  3. Elements can include photos, videos, audio – and you should use at least two different medium. (for example, you can’t have four triggers that all reveal still photos or all videos, each trigger will reveal something different)
  4. At least one trigger should show or say something about the history of the space
  5. At least one trigger should show us something functional/useful about the space
  6. At least one trigger should show us a 360 video you create about the space

You’ll need to take photos at the location, to use as your trigger. For HP Reveal, these should be flat I believe, though test this. But signs or images work best.

Then, as we’ve done before create the overlay

**You CAN create a link to a video rather than downloading it!! Use a still photo as the target and then add the action of loading a URL. It’s easy!!**

Complete the Auras by the due date and we’ll check them out


You’ll be graded on:

  • Does the Aura load properly
  • How compelling is the content – does it really add to our experience
  • How varied is the content
  • How ridiculously useful is your app?
  • How interesting is your 360?


  • You can, as I said, load existing videos by their URL
  • The library has a vast online archive of photos, including many of the campus
  • Do some research, you can have fun with this as well
Katie DeFiore Launchbox
Adam Melendez Old Main
Alexis Ahmad HUB
Sarah Price The Library
Tommy Butler Lion Shrine
Amanda Grant Old Main
Morgan Campbell Old buildings on campus
Erin Kim Pond
Kaitlyn Aguiles Schwab