Category: Uncategorized

  • 50 Writing tips

    What I really like about these, besides being useful as a writing tool, is how well most of them line up with multimedia storytelling. For example: 8. Establish a pattern, then give it a twist. 10. Cut big, then small. 14. Get the name of the dog. 22. Climb up and down the ladder of…

  • There is hope

    Robert Krulwich, the amazing journalist and radio producer and member of RadioLab, gave the commencement speech to Berkeley Journalism School’s Class of 2011. I thought it was both a hopeful and honest appraisal of what it takes to be a journalist in this age.

  • Words worth reading

    The May 16, 2011 The New Yorker has a fascinating article by Anthony Lane about Pixar and what makes them tick. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your thoughts about paywalls) you have to pay to read it, or visit the library. I loved the description about why they are so successful, and Lane is a…

  • On Photographers and Photography

    Nice story in the Washington Post by writer Dan Zak reflecting on working with (good) photographers.


    Day in the Life. There is a long tradition of these kinds of projects – a single day, a single topic. My students in Comm 269 took their own stab at, covering Allen St. in State College.