Assignment – Sports

100 pts

Assigned: Monday, March 2, 2020

Due: Sunday, April 5, 2020, by 11:59 pm

Shooting Sports
** NOTE You should plan on signing out a lens for sports. The 80-200 f/2.8 or 300 f/4 are good sports lenses. They will give you more reach and larger apertures than the standard lens.

Goal – To look for strong visual moments at an organized sporting event. To use all the photographic skills we’ve discussed to date to capture moments that capture the essence of the event – action and reaction.

You will need to find an organized team sporting event. This can be on-campus or off – PSU events, for the most part, are accessible. But you should double-check before just showing up. Higher profile sports are less likely to allow you good access.

These MUST be actual competitions – NOT practices or scrimmages. Scores must be kept, winners and losers. You WILL need the names of the athletes in your photos. Getting rosters, keeping track of jersey numbers, etc. is all part of the job.

You can also try area high schools, they are sometimes receptive to student photographers. Other options would be leagues through the YMCA, youth leagues, etc.

Good photos come from good situations – so part of your job (and grade) will be to pick good events. Remember that freezing the action requires high shutter speeds, and that requires enough light. Nighttime sports, and indoor events in dark venues are very tricky to shoot.  Some sports also require longer lenses. You can sign out 80-200 f/2.8 lenses from down the hall. These lenses let in a good amount of light and are good for many sports.

For Class I would like three (3) different images – NOT just variations on the same idea. Think about what focal length you’ll need for a given situation, how close to get, what’s happening and where you need to stand.

Photos can be game action, and include players or fans reacting to what’s happening in the game/match/tournament. If you decide to take a different approach to the event, talk to me beforehand about your ideas.

Shoot a minimum of 75 images
Shoot for a minimum of 90 minutes
With sports I would expect you’d shoot many more than 75 images, depending on the event.

* Remember – you need the names of athletes in your photos – both teams.

By 11:59pm: Place all files on the server. REMEMBER our system:

(change Feature_II to Sports I of course)