Assignment – 269 – Looking

points: 50

Assigned:  Thursday, January 17, 2019

Due: Thursday, January 24, 2019, have images for the start of class
Friday, January 25, 2019 by 11:59 pm upload finished folder to Box


Goal: To practice using the frame of the camera, to see like a photographer

Think of this as a warm-up exercise.  As a way to stretch your minds and your eyes – to start us all thinking about seeing and taking photos.


  • Use your D7200 or D7100 (if you plan to use a different camera during the semester, please talk to me first)
  • Get a friend or willing victim to help you with the assignment
  • Find a location you find visually interesting, and bright. Outdoors or a well-lit indoor space.
  • Think about the background and light for your photograph.
    • What makes a good location for a photo?
    • How does the background affect the overall aesthetic of the image?
    • how does the quality and direction of the light impact your subject and background?
  • Pick a location to take their photo.  Once you and your subject are in position:
  •   Your subject CANNOT move. 
  • Think about the light, the background, the scene when picking your spot.
  • Set your camera and lens to one focal length. That means YOU CANNOT ZOOM.
  • Once in place, shoot 30 different photos of your subject, by controlling the frame and position.
    • The idea is to expand your ideas of how to frame an image
    • Move the camera and change where your subject is in the frame
    • Think about how framing and cropping changes the look of the image
    • You may move around, your subject cannot
Making photos ultimately come down to two decisions:
1. When
2. Where
This assignment is more about the Where – where you position yourself and your subject, where you point the camera.
But it is also about the When – when you choose to shoot will affect the light – especially if you are outside or by a window
What you CAN do:
  • move around your subject
  • move the camera frame
  • shoot more than 30 images – but you will only turn in 30

What you CAN’T do

  • change the focal length of the lens (zoom)
  • have your model vogue or move or change expression
  • This is NOT about how good your model is
  • Your model is NOT getting the grade
The goal is to create 30 different photos – each one uniquely framed, and shot

** No captions required for this assignment. Don’t get used to that though!**

Spend about 30-45 minutes to shoot this assignment


Bring your SD card with ALL the photos you shot for the assignment to class.


  • Did you pick a location with good light and background
  • Are photos properly exposed
  • Are photos sharp and in focus
  • Is the white balance set properly
  • Is there variety in the images
  • Are they aesthetically pleasing