Assignment – 481 – Broken Screen

100 points

Assigned:  Thursday, August 28, 2015

Due: Thursday, September 10, 2015

Goal: To think about how to images and sound work together. To have fun. To think about how to use photos and multimedia tools to create a compelling storytelling presentation

Broken Screens

The world is full of broken smart phone screens – people drop their phones, we ran over my son’s iPod, the stories are as endless as the number of cracks in a broken iPhone screen.

Your job is to find someone who has a cracked, broken, damaged screen.

Then, take their photo in an interesting way AND gather audio about how it happened.

PLUS get the address of WHERE the accident happened.

You will take the photo on YOUR smart phone.  Then, using Photo Mechanic, plug in the coordinates of where the accident happened, NOT where you took the photo.

You’ll use the Zoom recorder to record the anecdote of how the screen got broken. The goal is a short, 15-30 second, piece about what happened, but it needs to be only in their voice. You will edit out your question.  Ask them about it in a few different ways – try to get a good story from them, something descriptive, vivid, maybe funny.

Get their name – CORRECT SPELLING – , age, hometown, grade and major if they are a student.

We will then take all the photos, along with the audio, and plot it on a Google Map.

The photos you take need to be sharp, in focus, show us the person and the broken screen. Think about the light and background. Take a bunch of photos and pick the best one. Don’t rely on filters or camera gimmicks. Try to make a cool and interesting portrait of yours subject.

Bring your photos and audio to class. We will use Photo Mechanic and you will caption them, assign the GPS coordinates and upload them in class.

Take a quick look at this video before class, so you can see how easy that step is.

Bring your images and audio to class. We will edit and upload them together.

By end of class turn in:

Your best photo with GPS coordinates of where the break occurred embedded in photo. Caption, with name, age, class, hometown of subject in caption field.

Audio clip, exported as mp3

Name your files:  SubjectName.jpg (BarackObama.jpg for example)
Put both in a folder named: yourname_broken
