497C – Roles

Assigned: Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Due:  Email me your 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices for your role by SUNDAY January 24th 6pm

Also, if you would like to edit for someone in particular – let me know. Otherwise I’ll make those assignments. 

Make your pitch in the email for why you want your choices, and why you’d be good at it. I’ll do my best to accommodate everyone as best as possible.

In addition to your project, everyone will take on two other roles in class this semester.

EVERYONE will act as editor for another student. You will be responsible for making sure the story is moving forward, know what your student is working on, help brainstorm ideas, solve problems. You are NOT responsible for actually editing video, you ARE responsible for looking over work in progress, offering suggestions, help, etc.

IF there are problems, make sure the managing editor and I know.

IN ADDITION, everyone will have one more responsibility, from the following:

MANAGING EDITOR(1) – responsible for the big picture – keeping track of stories, and progress in other areas.

WEBSITE DESIGN (3) – responsible for building the website. Everyone will have input into the process and can help, but this team will do the heavy lifting

Interactive Design and Help (3) – responsible for helping students with creation and design of interactive or graphic multimedia components. Requires people with some technical savvy – willing to figure out how things work.

SOCIAL MEDIA (2) – responsible for developing our social media, both external and internal. Create a Facebook group for the class, or other ways of staying in touch. Creating and maintaining other social media

OVERVIEW WRITER (1) – write an overview story that can act as the anchor for the website.