Assignment – Great Multimedia

30 points

Assigned: Monday, August 24, 2020

Due: Tuesday, August 25, @ 10 pm

Great Multimedia

Goal: To consider how best to use the strengths of online storytelling


Find an example of a great piece of multimedia journalism online.  Something beyond text and a few photos. Look for examples that use digital storytelling and online presentation to do what a print product can’t do.

Stick to the Big Themes for the semester: The Pandemic, Protests about race and policing, The Presidential Election

Send me the link via Canvas.

Explain how the story works well or doesn’t, why you selected it. What you think is interesting, what could be better.

  • What did you find worked or didn’t work online?
  • What could they have done better? Why do you think they didn’t?
  • What skills/resources did the journalist(s) need to make this piece successful?
  • What questions do you have about how it was produced?